I don’t think there are many people who enjoy being on video, at least when they first start. I don’t think it’s about being an introvert. It’s something that is new to most of us when we start an online business. If anything, for pre-recorded video I would think it is worse for extroverts. They aren’t getting that immediate connection and feedback with a lot of people. Live may be much better for them.
For introverts, it can be a great way to connect with people without using up that social energy. I’ve been thinking more about doing videos since following Jon Loomer’s foray into short form videos the past few months.
(Though I’m not completely convinced videos give people a sense of who you are very quickly. I know for me I’m unlikely to do off the cuff videos and I will probably do a lot of takes. So I hopefully (!) won’t commit as much foot in mouth as I do in person.)
So how do we make it more palatable for us (me included) to do videos, at least in the beginning?
01. Remembering you are a beginner.
I don’t know why, but I seem to expect that when I do a video (which is very rare) I should be like one of the top newsreaders or a presenter like David Attenborough. When in reality, videos are a skill that you learn over time. Sure there are some people who are more natural than others – like there are sports people who are naturally more gifted. But most of us aren’t trying to be a video Olympian. We can be good enough to get our message out there in a way that lets our personality and the message shine through. It takes practice and getting a bit more comfortable with the camera.
02. Recording in a safe space.
Recording out in public may not feel very safe when you are first starting. Because your favourite influencer is doing this, doesn’t mean you have to. Chose a space in your house and a time when no one else is going to be around to record. Or if that isn’t an option, lots of people record in their cars.
03. Making the video protected content.
One thing that always increases my anxiety levels when I think about video is having someone I know see it. As opposed to someone random on the internet. I know this isn’t case for everyone but if you are in the same boat as me then limiting who can see the video may be a good start. While I know logically it’s unlikely that someone I know will stumble across my video on say Linkedin, my brain isn’t always rational. Particularly when it comes to something like this.
Ways I’m thinking of doing this are in a private group, or popping the video on a platform like Vimeo then sharing the details of how to find it only with my email list.
While this option means less people will see it, it could be a good way for me to start to get comfortable with video. Without feeling like the whole world is going to be watching.
04. Publishing on time limited platforms.
I’m thinking here of places like Instagram stories where the video will disappear in 24 hours unless I specifically save it somewhere else. Again this option does lessen the chance of people seeing it, but with the right technology, you could save the video somewhere. Then if later you do feel comfortable sharing it more widely, you could upload it to a permanent place. Whether that is your website, a social media platform.
The last two aim to do is create a safe space for you to put yourself out there. How can you create an environment for yourself where you feel safe?
Perhaps most importantly remember the purpose of your video. For most of us it’s not about going viral. It’s about building connections with our audience so they get to know us a little bit better and can decide if they want to work with us. Often with some education mixed in to help our audience.
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