by Caroline | 14 Apr, 2024 | Business Pivot, The Big Picture |
I recently ran a project collating stories of business pivots and it got me thinking about when not to do a pivot in your business. The generic advice is to just go for it. For those of us who tend to overthink things, this can be good advice. To stop trying to pick...
by Caroline | 13 Mar, 2024 | Business models, The Big Picture |
When you are feeling out of alignment with your business or just plain exhausted it can be very tempting to want to make dramatic changes to your offers. But that can mean you get rid of offers that could work with a few small changes. Which are must easier and often...
by Caroline | 7 May, 2023 | Business Pivot, The Big Picture |
Do you need to pivot or start again in your business? You’ve decided your business has gone off course. It isn’t panning out how you expected and you’ve ended up creating another job for yourself. One you don’t particularly love. But making changes to bring your...
by Caroline | 8 Apr, 2023 | Business Finances, Business models, The Big Picture |
I’m not a huge fan of revenue goals. If you are new(ish) in business they can feel like something that you’ve pulled out of the air. It’s hard to plan projects and activities in support of that goal when it’s not grounded in anything. They can also drive...
by Caroline | 5 Feb, 2023 | Marketing, The Big Picture |
Towards the end of last year, online summits seemed to be all the rage. There were online summits popping up like crazy in my inbox. I get why. They are often great list builders (at least in terms of numbers) and they help you build relationships with other...
by Caroline | 10 Jul, 2022 | The Big Picture |
I’ve seen a lot of people from the Northern Hemisphere talking about having a holiday. And then they go on to say they are only going to be working an hour or so in the morning and then having the rest of the day off. I look at these posts and think that is not a...