Woman smiling

Fall back in love with your business

Create a business filled with kindness and generosity to you and your clients

When you start your business it feels exciting and full of possibility and creativity. You can see and feel the possibilities for freedom and doing work that you love. Working in the evenings after your day job feels good. You are making a choice to create a better life for yourself.

Then, over time, it starts to become a grind. Even if you manage to quit your day job, you find yourself still working evenings and weekends. Instead of one boss, it now feels like you have ten, all wanting everything done immediately. You start resenting your clients, even though you know it’s not really about them. Some less-than-ideal clients may have slipped in, expecting you to be on-call 24/7. 

You’re still not paying yourself what you were earning when you worked for someone else. Taking a holiday feels like a distant memory. And on top of not paying yourself adequately, you’ve spent a lot of money on training programs that didn’t deliver, leaving you feeling like you’ve been in the company of a sleazy salesperson.

You are wondering if you are cut out for this running a business thing.

Spoiler alert: You are. Just not in the way all the extroverted people on the internet are telling you business has to be done. 

lightbulbs drawn as flowers

Let’s get back to those wild and beautiful ideas and dreams that led to you starting your business in the first place.


I suspect you know what you want to work on, but you’ve listened to so much advice that you no longer know up from down.

  • There is the person who says you’ve got to do a high ticket offer, then the next one who says you have to do a low-cost course, or offer a ‘Freebie’.
  • Offer strategy, done for you, VIP days, done with you, time-limited, retainer. 
  • You’ve been told to automate everything and to make sure you also build great relationships.
  • One person tells you to trust your intuition, and then the next person pops up in your Instagram feed, telling you to follow the numbers.
  • You can work 80 hours a week doing something you love or 10 hours a week doing something you love.
  • The magic ingredient to make sales is video, audio, being on social media, being off social media, creating a YouTube channel, guest post and any other number of must-dos according to the big names you follow.

None of these are bad (except the 80 hours a week), but working out what is right for you and your clients can be overwhelming.


The one constant is that you still love your clients and the transformations you help them realise

You’ve decided that you want to start doing business your way, defining success on your terms rather than what everyone is telling you to do on the internet.

But you aren’t quite sure what ‘your way’ is anymore.

You know that some (a lot!) of your ideas are good, but you aren’t sure which ones to take action on right now. You keep getting glimpses of solutions out of the corner of your eye before getting distracted by another person on the internet telling you that the solution is their blueprint, roadmap, must-do-business-this-way advice.  

These roadmaps sound good in theory – who doesn’t want a clear step-by-step guide to building their business? Building a business is bloody hard, so any tools to help are so welcome. The problem is there is just no nuance in all those online business road maps, blueprints, and must-dos. They don’t take into account your values and preferences nor those of your ideal client. They ask you to do things that, as an introvert, are tough, like being all over social media and networking like crazy. And daily live stream videos, of course. 

You know, as an introvert, the importance of nuance, but when so many talking heads are yelling at you to do things their way, it can be hard to remember that. 

We need to turn down the noise, not just in the outside world, but also in your head. There is so much advice and ideas swirling in your brain that you’ve gotten yourself in analysis paralysis. Not really surprising for an introvert who needs quiet time and space to digest ideas, but feels pressured to do something, anything now.

Your thoughfulness is your superpower

Drawing of woman thinking

You may have strayed into overthinking, but being intentional about how you do business and how you care for your clients is a superpower.

This is where I come in

What we can do together is create your own personal roadmap with structure, focus, and planning so that you have time to work with the clients you love while still giving yourself space to think.

I support overthinking introverts with service-based businesses to get out of analysis paralysis and start creating a business they love. One grounded in strategies of clarity, generosity and collaboration.

My vision for you is:

Women talking

You are doing work that you enjoy and you feel like you are making a contribution - whether that is in your local community or within a group of people more generally. You aren't looking to change the world, but you want to contribute to making it a better place.

Women talking

You are paying yourself well - so you can have a comfortable life, but you aren't interested in scaling for the sake of scaling.

Women talking

You are working with clients you love and have time in your business to think and work on your craft. You also have time to do the things you love outside your business. Your business is just part of your wonderful life.

I am so happy that after following Caroline for a long time, I finally happened to open the right email at the right time!

The Thoughtful Business Pause was exactly what I needed, as I spend my days helping other people with their businesses, and this was a wonderful opportunity to really spend time reflecting on how MY business is working for ME, what I could do to enhance my business and services, and clarify what I want from my business moving forward.

Being able to take a step back and look at the business from a different perspective, and have someone who understands how to get some great reflective answers from me, was a game changer for me. I have already made some significant changes to my business thanks to my sessions with Caroline, and have no doubt that I will do more in the future (if she will have me!).

Celia Newlands

Central Business Associates

How we will achieve this:

Two x 1-hour calls a month and email access in between (we may hop onto another short call if that is quicker and easier). 

When we first start working together we will look at what is and isn’t working in your business and together will prioritise what we are going to work on together.

The types of things we can work on include:

  • Clarity in how you want to run your business. We’ll look at how many hours you want to work, where you want to work and when you want to work – long walks in the middle of the day ✓, time off each year where you totally disconnect ✓
  • Where you want to focus your energy and what brings you joy. 
  • Planning what your next steps should be and what you should be focussing on right now so you can reach your highest priority goals. 
  • Support to put in place boundaries and systems (both tech and non tech) so you thrive and have a life outside your business. 
  • Offers that are in alignment with how you want to work and that deliver the outcomes your clients need. 
  • Pricing that enables you to pay yourself enough to live comfortably. What is enough varies from person to person, but I want you to be able to pay the mortgage or rent, save for big items like holidays, home renovations, and retirement, and eat out without worrying about how much is in your bank account. 

This is not an exclusive list. What we work on will be tailored to where you need support. 

The Investment:

$350 per month with a minimum 3-month commitment. Once the three months are up, you can keep working with me for as long as you like and cancel at any time. 

Rates have gotten so weird in the online business world. I’ve set my prices at a level where I know I can live a good life while hopefully not putting you in financial stress. I am uncomfortable with how much value we place on those who help us make money compared to those who keep us healthy, teach our kids and create a better society.

Would we be a good fit to work together?

  • I’m an introvert, so you’ll need to be comfortable with moments of reflection on a call.  Sometimes I’ll ask you to give me time to  think more about what we’ve discussed and get back to you. And of course, I’ll give you the same space. 
  • You aren’t looking for advice on how to scale (you might have tried this and hated it) – you need to get your business foundations working for you first and then you’ll decide if you want to scale or not. 
  • You can afford the financial commitment without getting into debt and financial stress.
  • You aren’t interested in just making the sale. You believe in kindness to yourself, your clients and your audience. 
  • You are ok with dogs making noises in the background! I’ve got two senior pups; locking them in a back bedroom or outside doesn’t cut it anymore. So every now and again, you may hear them joining us on the call – particularly if that dastardly postman comes to the door or their mortal enemy, the cat, strays onto their property. 

Ready to stop overthinking and start making decisions?

Apply for a Complimentary Session

If you want to experience what it would be like to have me working alongside you on your business, then schedule a complimentary session by clicking the button below. 

This is not a discovery call to talk about working together.

It’s an obligation-free session to address a challenge in your business. If, at the end of the call you feel excited by the idea of working with me longer term, then we’ll schedule a separate call to discuss working together. If that sounds like a good plan to you, then go ahead and click the button below to book your complimentary session today. 

Have questions that you want to ask before booking a complimentary session? I know as introverts, email can feel like a much safer first step. If this is you, then send me an email at caroline@carolinemwood.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you guarantee results?

No! I’m not going to promise that you will make 6 figures working with me (and I don’t believe anyone should). What I hope for you is that you’ll get clarity around your business and start taking action so that you can build a business in which you thrive. Basically things that are actually in your control.

How are our sessions held?

Our sessions will be on Teams unless you are in the Canberra region. If you live in the Canberra region I would love to work with you in person.

Do I have to have a business?

No, you don’t, but you will have a clear idea of what kind of business you are looking to create. Book a complimentary session, and we can discuss your idea together.

Do we have to talk about the numbers?

I know that for a lot of people, numbers are scary (I blame this on your high school maths teacher). And that is without even mentioning all the hang ups we often have around money. We will talk about numbers though, because I know how useful they can be in helping you make good decisions in your business. I promise that any maths you are going to do is not complicated (and you can always use a calculator). There will be no judgement from me on where you are at money-wise and I won’t be sharing your details with anyone else.

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