What to do when creating an ideal week doesn’t work
Every now and again I try and implement an ideal week. By ideal week I mean having a set weekly schedule so for example doing client work on Mondays and Thursdays, creating content on Tuesday, working towards bigger business projects on Wednesdays etc. I know they can...

The power of a small change in your business
I was talking to a friend the other day about business pivots. One thing in particular has stuck with me that they said – don’t underestimate the power of a small change. Particularly if you are starting to feel resentful to your business. When I’m caught in the storm...

What I learned from running a community project
Earlier this year I ran a community project sharing stories of business pivots. It was a big project for me and I learned a lot from it about collaborating in business. I love collaboration as a way of being visible. I encourage clients to look for ways to collaborate...

My Pivot Story
Earlier this year I ran a community project sharing stories of business pivots. You can access the full set of stories here. As part of that project I shared my story of pivoting from Facebooks ads management to business strategist and coach for introverts. Other...

When not to pivot in your business
I recently ran a project collating stories of business pivots and it got me thinking about when not to do a pivot in your business. The generic advice is to just go for it. For those of us who tend to overthink things, this can be good advice. To stop trying to pick...
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