About Me


Hi I am Caroline and I am on a mission to help you build a business that works with – not against – your lovely introverted personality. 


Together we can implement strategies and systems that harness your introvert super powers to allow you to share your magic in way that doesn’t overwhelm you. A business that allows you time for reflection and quiet, so you are replenished and ready to deliver extraordinary service to your clients.

If you feel like your to do list is about to come alive and crush you with its weight or your stomach is tying itself in knots because of all the things you think you have to do to build a successful business then read on.

Let’s put you back in your business rather than creating a business for someone else.

I started off my working life as an Air Force Officer, wandered off to become a qualified accountant, volunteered in Africa, worked in Laos before heading back to Australia to work in the Not for Profit sector. And if there is one thing the Not for Profit sector knows about it is boot strapping!  While employed for my finance skills, I have become a jack of all trades, helping develop strategies, implementing systems and setting up the tech to go with them.

But I am sure like you, corporate life just wasn’t quite right for me as an introvert. I worked with some lovely people and on some great projects but there was just too much peopling. I used to sneak away at lunch to have a break and while I never did it, I was always so tempted to call in sick the day of the Christmas party.

Don’t get me wrong, I love working with people but I much prefer diving in deep talking to people one on one about their businesses and the amazing changes they are helping clients make. (I may also have wanted to work from home where there was no dress code; hanging out with my dogs and drinking lots of coffee.)

I haven’t had a straight forward path to where my business is now. I started off running Facebook ads for people and doing a bit of tech virtual assistant work. I made the decision to cut the tech work as the Facebook ad work was taking off and I knew it could pay well.

Roll the calendar forward 12 months.

The business was doing well but I wasn’t super happy. Not that joyous dancing around the room feeling that I imagined when I left my last job. I realised I had created a business that made me good money and I delivered great results for clients but didn’t give me that feeling of fulfilment I was looking for.

There were some exceptions.

I had a couple of clients I had been working with for a number of months. And the work had extended past Facebook ads. I was helping them sort out their plans, organise their systems and track down the right tech for their business. I felt like I was a part of their business and I loved the success they were seeing.

I realised the part I loved was helping with strategy and putting my ninja numbers skills to work. And even more so when I worked with those quietly extraordinary entrepreneurs who wanted to build businesses that delighted their clients while still looking after their introverted nature.

I went back to the drawing board with my business, and putting together all my corporate skills I had picked up around planning, systems and numbers with the knowledge and skills I had picked up from running a successful online business and my own experiences of being an introvert in business, I now support entrepreneurs like you to re-design your business so that your introverted nature sings.

Together we can put in place plans to get you focussed so you know what you need to do and demystify those numbers that can help you so much in making better decisions about your business. 

Good Bye Overwhelm and Hello to a Business Built For You (and just You!)

Want to find out more? Send me an email to caroline@quietlyextraordinary.com and we can have a chat about how I can support you.

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